The Parish Today

The Revd Anna Matthews

The Revd Anna Matthews

People come to St Bene’t’s from a range of backgrounds, with different gifts and experiences, and we hope to welcome all, rejoicing in the diversity of people God calls to follow him. We seek to be an inclusive community, and to put into practice St Benedict’s teaching in his Rule: ‘All guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ, for he himself will say: “I was a stranger and you welcomed me”’ (Matthew 25:35).

For the millennium celebrations that began in 2020, St Bene't's embarked on a project to improve and increase access to the building, enhance lighting and sound, and make a series of repairs and restorations. The work was undertaken by the architects Freeland Rees Roberts, and with restorations done by F.A. Valiant & Sons, Ltd.

The entrance is perhaps the most obvious change: it has been entirely cleared and redesigned around a curving pathway of York stone. Along with the new glass doorway in the porch, it allows for step free access. The handles are of medieval inspiration: a pelican feeding its chicks. This is a symbol of Christ’s sacrifice and part of the arms of Corpus Christi College, the parish’s lay patron. As Psalm 91:4 says, ‘He shall cover you with his wings, and you shall be safe under his feathers.’

Our new lighting system sheds light more evenly through the building and is more energy efficient, part of our commitment to caring for God’s creation. We look toward the installation of solar panels, to reduce our dependence on the energy grid and as part of our participation in the Eco Church movement. New biodiverse planting is taking place throughout the churchyard, to provide a beautiful setting for the church and an urban green space to be enjoyed by the public and by local wildlife.

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The ministry of St Bene’t’s church has grown significantly in recent years, with increased attendance, new services of prayer, a growing study and formation programme, and an increased reach through its website and other media. The parish participates in the Cambridge Churches Homeless Project, and with funding and volunteers, it helps to support various local, national, and global charities, such as Jimmy’s Night Shelter and Whitworth House, USPG and Christian Aid.

As we seek to serve Christ and our neighbour, we look forward to the next 1000 years.

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Vicars of the Twentieth Century


The building of the north aisle and its furnishings